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data_product module

Source code in d2spy/models/
class DataProduct:
    id: UUID
    data_type: str
    filepath: str
    original_filename: str
    is_active: bool
    flight_id: UUID
    deactivated_at: Optional[datetime]
    public: bool
    stac_properties: STACProperties
    status: str
    url: str

    def __init__(self, client: APIClient, **kwargs):
        self.client = client
        # data product attributes returned from API

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"DataProduct(data_type={self.data_type!r}, "
            f"filepath={self.filepath!r}, "
            f"original_filename={self.original_filename!r}, "
            f"is_active={self.is_active!r}, public={self.public!r}, "
            f"stac_properties={self.stac_properties!r}, status={self.status!r}, "

    def clip(self, geojson_feature: Dict[Any, Any], out_raster: str) -> bool:
        """Clips data product by GeoJSON Polygon Feature.

            geojson_feature (Dict[Any, Any]): GeoJSON Polygon Feature.
            out_raster (str): Path for output raster.

            bool: True if successful. False if clip fails.
        if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
            print("Not available for point clouds")
            return False

            clip_by_mask(self.url, geojson_feature, out_raster)
            print("Raster clipped successfully")
            return True
        except RasterioIOError as e:
            if str(e) == "HTTP response code: 401":
                if os.environ.get("D2S_API_KEY"):
                            self.url + "?API_KEY=" + os.environ["D2S_API_KEY"],
                        print("Raster clipped successfully")
                        return True
                    except RasterioIOError as e2:
                        if str(e) == "HTTP response code: 401":
                            print("You do not have permission to access this raster")
                            return False
                            raise e2
                    print("Set the 'D2S_API_KEY' environment variable before clipping")
                    return False
                raise e
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to clip raster: {e}")
            return False

    def get_band_info(self) -> Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]:
        """Return STAC Electro-Optical bands information.

            Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]: _description_
        if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
            print("Point cloud does not have band info")
            return None

        if not self.stac_properties.get("eo"):
            print("Missing band properties")
            return None

        eo_properties = self.stac_properties["eo"]

        if not isinstance(eo_properties, List):
            print("Band properties in unexpected format")
            return None

        return eo_properties

    def update_band_info(
        self, band_info: List[STACEOProperties]
    ) -> Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]:
        """Update current band description information. Only the "description"
        values may be updated. The "name" values must remain the same. You do
        not need to include all bands in `band_info`, only the ones you wish to

            band_info (List[STACEOProperties]): Band info with new descriptions.

            Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]: Updated band info.
        # Match project ID from data product's URL
        match ="/projects/([a-f0-9\-]+)/", self.url)

        # Extract matched project ID
        if match:
            project_id =
            print("Unable to find project ID associated with data product")
            return None

        # Prepare endpoint for put request
        endpoint = f"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/flights/{self.flight_id}"
        endpoint += f"/data_products/{}/bands"

        # Construct payload
        data = {"bands": band_info}

        # Put form data
        response_data = self.client.make_put_request(endpoint, json=data)

        # Create the updated_data_product dictionary
        updated_data_product = schemas.DataProduct.from_dict(response_data).__dict__

        # Update the attributes of self
        for key, value in updated_data_product.items():
            if hasattr(self, key):
                setattr(self, key, value)
                print(f"Warning: Attribute '{key}' not found in DataProduct class.")

        # Create new DataProduct and return updated band info
        return models.DataProduct(self.client, **updated_data_product).get_band_info()

    def derive_ndvi(self, red_band_idx: int, nir_band_idx: int) -> bool:
        """Use data product's bands to derive a new NDVI data product. Must provide
        the red and NIR band indexes.

            red_band_idx (int): Red band index.
            nir_band_idx (int): NIR band index.

            bool: True if the job was added to the queue, otherwise False.
        # Check if this is a raster data product
        if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
            print("Not available for point clouds")
            return False

        # Get band properties from STAC EO extension
        eo_properties = self.get_band_info()

        # Check if the data product has at least two bands
        if not isinstance(eo_properties, List) or len(eo_properties) < 2:
            print("Data product must have at least two bands - Red and NIR")
            return False

        # Reject if the red band index and NIR band index are the same
        if red_band_idx == nir_band_idx:
            print("Red band index and NIR band index cannot be the same")

        # Reject if the red band is outside of the range of possible bands
        if red_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or red_band_idx < 1:
            print("Red band index outside the range of available bands")

        # Reject if the NIR band is outside of the range of possible bands
        if nir_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or nir_band_idx < 1:
            print("NIR band index outside the range of available bands")

        # Prepare payload for post request
        data = {
            "chm": False,
            "exg": False,
            "exgRed": 0,
            "exgGreen": 0,
            "exgBlue": 0,
            "ndvi": True,
            "ndviNIR": nir_band_idx,
            "ndviRed": red_band_idx,
            "zonal": False,
            "zonal_layer_id": "",

        # Match project ID from data product's URL
        match ="/projects/([a-f0-9\-]+)/", self.url)

        # Extract matched project ID
        if match:
            project_id =
            print("Unable to find project ID associated with data product")
            return False

        # Prepare endpoint for post request
        endpoint = f"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/flights/{self.flight_id}"
        endpoint += f"/data_products/{}/tools"

        # post form data
        self.client.make_post_request(endpoint, json=data)

        print("Job request has been added to the queue")

        return True

    def derive_exg(
        self, red_band_idx: int, green_band_idx: int, blue_band_idx: int
    ) -> bool:
        """Use data product's bands to derive a new Excess Green Index data product.
        Must provide the red, green, and blue band indexes.

            red_band_idx (int): Red band index.
            green_band_idx (int): Green band index.
            blue_band_idx (int): Blue band index.

            bool: True if the job was added to the queue, otherwise False.
        # Check if this is a raster data product
        if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
            print("Not available for point clouds")
            return False

        # Get band properties from STAC EO extension
        eo_properties = self.get_band_info()

        # Check if the data product has at least two bands
        if not isinstance(eo_properties, List) or len(eo_properties) < 3:
            print("Data product must have at least three bands - Red, Green, and Blue")
            return False

        # Reject if any of the band indexes are the same
        if len({red_band_idx, green_band_idx, blue_band_idx}) < 3:
            print("Each band index must be unique")

        # Reject if the red band is outside of the range of possible bands
        if red_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or red_band_idx < 1:
            print("Red band index outside the range of available bands")

        # Reject if the green band is outside of the range of possible bands
        if green_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or green_band_idx < 1:
            print("Green band index outside the range of available bands")

        # Reject if the blue band is outside of the range of possible bands
        if blue_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or blue_band_idx < 1:
            print("Blue band index outside the range of available bands")

        # Prepare payload for post request
        data = {
            "chm": False,
            "exg": True,
            "exgRed": red_band_idx,
            "exgGreen": green_band_idx,
            "exgBlue": blue_band_idx,
            "ndvi": False,
            "ndviNIR": 0,
            "ndviRed": 0,
            "zonal": False,
            "zonal_layer_id": "",

        # Match project ID from data product's URL
        match ="/projects/([a-f0-9\-]+)/", self.url)

        # Extract matched project ID
        if match:
            project_id =
            print("Unable to find project ID associated with data product")
            return False

        # Prepare endpoint for post request
        endpoint = f"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/flights/{self.flight_id}"
        endpoint += f"/data_products/{}/tools"

        # post form data
        self.client.make_post_request(endpoint, json=data)

        print("Job request has been added to the queue")

        return True

clip(geojson_feature, out_raster)

Clips data product by GeoJSON Polygon Feature.


Name Type Description Default
geojson_feature Dict[Any, Any]

GeoJSON Polygon Feature.

out_raster str

Path for output raster.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if successful. False if clip fails.

Source code in d2spy/models/
def clip(self, geojson_feature: Dict[Any, Any], out_raster: str) -> bool:
    """Clips data product by GeoJSON Polygon Feature.

        geojson_feature (Dict[Any, Any]): GeoJSON Polygon Feature.
        out_raster (str): Path for output raster.

        bool: True if successful. False if clip fails.
    if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
        print("Not available for point clouds")
        return False

        clip_by_mask(self.url, geojson_feature, out_raster)
        print("Raster clipped successfully")
        return True
    except RasterioIOError as e:
        if str(e) == "HTTP response code: 401":
            if os.environ.get("D2S_API_KEY"):
                        self.url + "?API_KEY=" + os.environ["D2S_API_KEY"],
                    print("Raster clipped successfully")
                    return True
                except RasterioIOError as e2:
                    if str(e) == "HTTP response code: 401":
                        print("You do not have permission to access this raster")
                        return False
                        raise e2
                print("Set the 'D2S_API_KEY' environment variable before clipping")
                return False
            raise e
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Failed to clip raster: {e}")
        return False

derive_exg(red_band_idx, green_band_idx, blue_band_idx)

Use data product's bands to derive a new Excess Green Index data product. Must provide the red, green, and blue band indexes.


Name Type Description Default
red_band_idx int

Red band index.

green_band_idx int

Green band index.

blue_band_idx int

Blue band index.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the job was added to the queue, otherwise False.

Source code in d2spy/models/
def derive_exg(
    self, red_band_idx: int, green_band_idx: int, blue_band_idx: int
) -> bool:
    """Use data product's bands to derive a new Excess Green Index data product.
    Must provide the red, green, and blue band indexes.

        red_band_idx (int): Red band index.
        green_band_idx (int): Green band index.
        blue_band_idx (int): Blue band index.

        bool: True if the job was added to the queue, otherwise False.
    # Check if this is a raster data product
    if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
        print("Not available for point clouds")
        return False

    # Get band properties from STAC EO extension
    eo_properties = self.get_band_info()

    # Check if the data product has at least two bands
    if not isinstance(eo_properties, List) or len(eo_properties) < 3:
        print("Data product must have at least three bands - Red, Green, and Blue")
        return False

    # Reject if any of the band indexes are the same
    if len({red_band_idx, green_band_idx, blue_band_idx}) < 3:
        print("Each band index must be unique")

    # Reject if the red band is outside of the range of possible bands
    if red_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or red_band_idx < 1:
        print("Red band index outside the range of available bands")

    # Reject if the green band is outside of the range of possible bands
    if green_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or green_band_idx < 1:
        print("Green band index outside the range of available bands")

    # Reject if the blue band is outside of the range of possible bands
    if blue_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or blue_band_idx < 1:
        print("Blue band index outside the range of available bands")

    # Prepare payload for post request
    data = {
        "chm": False,
        "exg": True,
        "exgRed": red_band_idx,
        "exgGreen": green_band_idx,
        "exgBlue": blue_band_idx,
        "ndvi": False,
        "ndviNIR": 0,
        "ndviRed": 0,
        "zonal": False,
        "zonal_layer_id": "",

    # Match project ID from data product's URL
    match ="/projects/([a-f0-9\-]+)/", self.url)

    # Extract matched project ID
    if match:
        project_id =
        print("Unable to find project ID associated with data product")
        return False

    # Prepare endpoint for post request
    endpoint = f"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/flights/{self.flight_id}"
    endpoint += f"/data_products/{}/tools"

    # post form data
    self.client.make_post_request(endpoint, json=data)

    print("Job request has been added to the queue")

    return True

derive_ndvi(red_band_idx, nir_band_idx)

Use data product's bands to derive a new NDVI data product. Must provide the red and NIR band indexes.


Name Type Description Default
red_band_idx int

Red band index.

nir_band_idx int

NIR band index.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the job was added to the queue, otherwise False.

Source code in d2spy/models/
def derive_ndvi(self, red_band_idx: int, nir_band_idx: int) -> bool:
    """Use data product's bands to derive a new NDVI data product. Must provide
    the red and NIR band indexes.

        red_band_idx (int): Red band index.
        nir_band_idx (int): NIR band index.

        bool: True if the job was added to the queue, otherwise False.
    # Check if this is a raster data product
    if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
        print("Not available for point clouds")
        return False

    # Get band properties from STAC EO extension
    eo_properties = self.get_band_info()

    # Check if the data product has at least two bands
    if not isinstance(eo_properties, List) or len(eo_properties) < 2:
        print("Data product must have at least two bands - Red and NIR")
        return False

    # Reject if the red band index and NIR band index are the same
    if red_band_idx == nir_band_idx:
        print("Red band index and NIR band index cannot be the same")

    # Reject if the red band is outside of the range of possible bands
    if red_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or red_band_idx < 1:
        print("Red band index outside the range of available bands")

    # Reject if the NIR band is outside of the range of possible bands
    if nir_band_idx + 1 > len(eo_properties) or nir_band_idx < 1:
        print("NIR band index outside the range of available bands")

    # Prepare payload for post request
    data = {
        "chm": False,
        "exg": False,
        "exgRed": 0,
        "exgGreen": 0,
        "exgBlue": 0,
        "ndvi": True,
        "ndviNIR": nir_band_idx,
        "ndviRed": red_band_idx,
        "zonal": False,
        "zonal_layer_id": "",

    # Match project ID from data product's URL
    match ="/projects/([a-f0-9\-]+)/", self.url)

    # Extract matched project ID
    if match:
        project_id =
        print("Unable to find project ID associated with data product")
        return False

    # Prepare endpoint for post request
    endpoint = f"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/flights/{self.flight_id}"
    endpoint += f"/data_products/{}/tools"

    # post form data
    self.client.make_post_request(endpoint, json=data)

    print("Job request has been added to the queue")

    return True


Return STAC Electro-Optical bands information.


Type Description

Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]: description

Source code in d2spy/models/
def get_band_info(self) -> Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]:
    """Return STAC Electro-Optical bands information.

        Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]: _description_
    if self.data_type == "point_cloud":
        print("Point cloud does not have band info")
        return None

    if not self.stac_properties.get("eo"):
        print("Missing band properties")
        return None

    eo_properties = self.stac_properties["eo"]

    if not isinstance(eo_properties, List):
        print("Band properties in unexpected format")
        return None

    return eo_properties


Update current band description information. Only the "description" values may be updated. The "name" values must remain the same. You do not need to include all bands in band_info, only the ones you wish to update.


Name Type Description Default
band_info List[STACEOProperties]

Band info with new descriptions.



Type Description

Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]: Updated band info.

Source code in d2spy/models/
def update_band_info(
    self, band_info: List[STACEOProperties]
) -> Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]:
    """Update current band description information. Only the "description"
    values may be updated. The "name" values must remain the same. You do
    not need to include all bands in `band_info`, only the ones you wish to

        band_info (List[STACEOProperties]): Band info with new descriptions.

        Optional[List[STACEOProperties]]: Updated band info.
    # Match project ID from data product's URL
    match ="/projects/([a-f0-9\-]+)/", self.url)

    # Extract matched project ID
    if match:
        project_id =
        print("Unable to find project ID associated with data product")
        return None

    # Prepare endpoint for put request
    endpoint = f"/api/v1/projects/{project_id}/flights/{self.flight_id}"
    endpoint += f"/data_products/{}/bands"

    # Construct payload
    data = {"bands": band_info}

    # Put form data
    response_data = self.client.make_put_request(endpoint, json=data)

    # Create the updated_data_product dictionary
    updated_data_product = schemas.DataProduct.from_dict(response_data).__dict__

    # Update the attributes of self
    for key, value in updated_data_product.items():
        if hasattr(self, key):
            setattr(self, key, value)
            print(f"Warning: Attribute '{key}' not found in DataProduct class.")

    # Create new DataProduct and return updated band info
    return models.DataProduct(self.client, **updated_data_product).get_band_info()